Videos/ Books/ Podcasts

Videos/ Books/ Podcasts


Browse our growing video library to learn more about the services at Wholeness Center.
Other resources on this page include links to books and various articles written by our practitioners.

ACUPUNCTURE – Learn about the benefits of acupuncture with Scott Shannon, M.D. (1:20)

ADD– Dr. Steven Rondeau wrote the chapter on Neurofeedback Therapy.

ADHD – Scott Shannon, M.D. discusses his approach to treating patients with ADHD. (2:12)

ANXIETY – Scott Shannon, M.D. talks about his approach to anxiety. (1:32)

ANXIETY – A CASE STUDY – Dr. Mary Rondeau talks about the treatment of a patient with anxiety. (1:56)

BIOFEEDBACK – Scott Shannon, M.D. discusses the benefits of biofeedback. (1:33)

FOOD QUALITY – Discover how our food quality has changed over time. (1:33)

HERBAL TREATMENTS – Learn how herbs can be used to treat patients with mental health. (1:31)

HYDROTHERAPY – Learn about our hydrotherapy service from Dr. Mary Rondeau. (2:00)

IV THERAPY – Mary Rondeau, N.D. and Michael Mullin, M.D. discuss the benefits of IV Therapy. (4:00)

KETAMINE– Frequently asked questions about KAP (Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy) (6:31)

MACRONUTRIENTS & MICRONUTRIENTS – Learn how to balance your plate with macronutrients and micronutrients. (1:37)

NEUROFEEDBACK – WHAT IS IT? – Steve Rondeau, N.D. answers the question: what is neurofeedback? (4:21)

NEUROFEEDBACK – EEG RECORDING PROCESS – Steve Rondeau, N.D. depicts the quick and painless procedure of an EEG recording. (2:20)

NEUROFEEDBACK – SAMPLE SESSION – Steve Rondeau, N.D. guides you through what to expect in a neurofeedback session. (2:19)

NUTRITIONAL ASSESSMENT – Learn about our nutritive assessment at the Wholeness Center. (1:31)

NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS – Dr. Mary Rondeau explains the importance of supplements in the body. (1:04)

SLEEP ISSUES – Learn how sleep issues can be treated at the Wholeness Center. (1:55)

SUPPLEMENTS – Scott Shannon, M.D. talks about why Wholeness Center recommends supplements. (1:20)

Recommended Reading

Mental Health for the Whole Child

In this book, child psychiatrist Scott Shannon offers a refreshing new path for practitioners who are eager for a more optimistic view of children’s mental health, one that emphasizes a child’s inherent resilience and resources over pathology and prescriptions.


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Parenting the Whole Child

A Holistic Child Psychiatrist Offers Practical Wisdom on Behavior, Brain Health, Nutrition, Exercise, Family Life, Peer Relationships, School Life, Trauma, Medication, and More.



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Child Decoded: Unlocking Complex Issues in Your Child’s Learning, Behavior or Attention

What parent hasn’t wished for the manual that goes with her child? And children with complex behavior or learning issues can be even more confounding. Child Decoded presents a new kind of resource for a new kind of need. It provides parents with a broader understanding of the issues that may be affecting their children, as well as concise information on who can help and how.

Buy it Now:
Barnes & Noble


Should I Label My Kid – Parenting Magazine – Featuring Dr. Shannon
Elucidating PANDAS – Follow-up Discussion of an Immune-Mediated Mental Illness
Integrative Approaches to Pediatric Mood Disorders – Dr. Scott Shannon
Integrative Pediatric Mental Health – Dr. Scott Shannon
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Therapies to Promote Healthy Moods – Dr. Scott Shannon
From Moody to Manic: Childhood Mood Disorders – Dr. Scott Shannon
EEG Use in Autism – Dr. Steve Rondeau
PANDAS: An Immune Mediated Mental Illness – Dr. Steve Rondeau
Medical Decision Making in Integrative Medicine – Dr. Scott Shannon, Dr. Andrew Weil, and Dr. Bonnie J. Kaplan
Article on the Wholeness Center’s Dr. Nicole Lewis and Dr. Brooke Schneider’s online women’s wellness program, Women Strong! – If you’d like to explore women’s health issues utilizing a holistic health approach, prioritize your self-care and call 970-221-1106 to make an appointment today! Dr. Nicole and Dr. Brooke would love to meet you!
Short review of EEG Anomalies in Addiction Disorders– Dr. Steven Rondeau BCN-BCIA(EEG)
EEG Variability in Anxiety Disorders– Dr. Steven Rondeau BCN-BCIA(EEG)
Negative Emotions Under Stressful Conditions: Predicting Vulnerability and Guided Interventions Using qEEG Biomarkers– Dr. Steven Rondeau BCN-BCIA(EEG)
The Role of the Mu Rhythm Pattern in Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders– Dr. Steven Rondeau BCN-BCIA(EEG)

The Case for Using MDMA to Help Heal Victims of Trauma– by Scott Shannon MD
Psychological and Neurobiological Changes in Individuals with Gaming Disorder -Dr. Steven Rondeau BCN-BCIA(EEG)
Neural Correlates of Violent Behavior: The Role of Anger and Other Psychiatric Disorders as Measured by Electroencelography -Dr. Steven Rondeau BCN-BCIA(EEG)
Neurobehavioral Changes Associated with Exposure to Cannabis: Insights from Encephalography -Dr. Steven Rondeau BCN-BCIA(EEG)
Screen Addiction Disorder: EEG-based Diagnostics and Trends In Therapeutics -Dr. Steven Rondeau BCN-BCIA(EEG)
Using Quantitative Electroencephalography to Predict and Monitoring Drug Treatment Response -Dr. Steven Rondeau BCN-BCIA(EEG)
Case Report: a 13 year-old female with anger and mood disturbances -Steven Rondeau ND, BCN (EEG), QEEG-DC
Using Quantitative Electroencephalography to Predict, Detect and Monitor Neurobehavioral Changes -Steven Rondeau ND, BCN (EEG), QEEG-DC
EEG Correlates of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Females: Unique Manifestations, Early Detection, and Treatment Targets -Steven Rondeau ND, BCN (EEG), QEEG-DC
Beyond the Interview: Using Electroencephalography (EEG) to Evaluate Suicide Risk -Steven Rondeau ND, BCN (EEG), QEEG-DC
Using Quantitative Electroencephalography (qEEG) to Improve Diagnosis Reliability and Inform Interventions in Mental Health Practice -Steven Rondeau ND, BCN (EEG), QEEG-DC

Provider Podcasts

Dr. Steve Rondeau

The Voyage Cast 5/4/2023

Listen in as we discuss the potential of EEG technology to transform the way we approach mental health treatment. Dr. Steve shares his journey from private practice to data analysis and research, and how his team is using their innovative technology to match patients with precision treatments.

Listen to the Podcast on the web

Listen on Spotify

Dr. Mary Rondeau

Whole Mamas Podcast Episode #104: Food as Medicine for Kids on the Spectrum with Dr. Mary Rondeau

Naturally Inspired Podcast Episode 13: How Nutritional Deficiencies Effect mental Health

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